School, Home, and Internet contexts of EmotionaL Development Lab @ VCU

S.H.I.E.L.D. Lab

We conduct, disseminate, and translate integrity-based emotion research in support of Black and Brown youth, families, and communities.


School, Home, and Internet contexts of EmotionaL Development


The ways that we express, regulate, and understand our own and others’ emotions are the foundation to connection, protection, and resilience among youth and families. However, basic research on emotion tends to lack the perspective and experiences of Black and Brown youth, families, and communities. At S.H.I.E.L.D. we seek to understand the cultural experiences of Black and Brown individuals that shape emotional development.


Our understanding of emotion is developed in partnership with youth, families, and community leaders and organizations — most of which are based in Richmond, VA. Our studies include a mix of traditional research designs and community-based participatory research. We do our work in community spaces, schools, and in our research lab at Virginia Commonwealth University. Our team includes undergraduate students, post-baccalaureate research assistants, and doctoral-level graduate students.

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